
名                稱  尖端材料實驗室
電                話
位                置  工學院一樓110-1室
管   理   教   授  林宏殷
設               備


研  究  方  向

    本實驗室(尖端材料實驗室)的研究內容為各類(金屬、陶瓷或高分子)材料及其混成或複合材料的分析檢測及其在綠色能源及生物相關領域的應用,在材料的形態方面,包括奈米粒子(nanoparticles)、量子點(quantum dots)的製備及應用,奈米棒(nanorods)的製備及光學或電化學感測,二維材料如過渡金屬硫化物(transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs))、過渡金屬碳氮化合物(MXenes)等混成材料在電化學感測的應用,最近亦嘗試利用積層製造技術,製作生物相容性混成材料(支架)。本實驗室非常歡迎對於各種尖端材料的製備、分析檢測、模擬及應用有興趣的大學部及碩士班同學的參與。

(I) 近年來執行之科技部計畫;

  1. 大專學生參與專題研究計畫;
    1. 藥物體外三維細胞測試肺癌之平台
    2. 製備胜肽拓印導電高分子參混過渡金屬二硫族化物電極測量血液中C反應蛋白藉以判斷心血管疾病發生之可能
    3. 以水熱法合成之奈米氧化鋅及超順磁四氧化三鐵之多功能複合微粒
    4. 3D列印技術列印3D組織支架培養HEK293細胞
    5. 磁性及光學複合微粒的製備、性質分析及其在肝癌細胞的檢測
    6. 精蟲分離薄膜之製備與測試
    7. 利用分子模板固定化製氫細菌並應用於綠色製程及燃料電池
    8. 逆微乳化法合成柱狀磁性奈米粒子並應用於奈米發電機
  2. 專題研究計畫;
    1. 應用CRISPR/dCas9a奈米複合載體於體外構建胰臟類器官及其功能評估
    2. 過渡金屬硫屬化合物基燃料電池與心血管疾病感測陣列系統整合及測試
    3. 製備CRISPR/Cas9系統多功能奈米載體及其應用於病因不明性肺纖維化之細胞標示及藥物篩選平台
    4. 利用智慧複合微粒在多孔性基質支架中原位誘導細胞多能性及神經細胞分化之研究
    5. 超音波輔助分子療法之細胞去分化及分化研究
    6. 建立超音波感受性載體對於新基因療法轉殖效率之評估模式
  3. 國家型科技計畫(整合型學術研究計畫)
    1. 智慧電子科技計畫;整合性非侵入膀胱癌生物感測器(與成大電機、成大資工、成大醫院合作)
    2. 智慧電子科技計畫;應用於居家照護之可攜帶式尿液分析生物感測陣列系統(與成大電機、成大資工、成大醫院合作)
    3. 晶片科技計畫;應用於細胞老化程度監測和疾病預防之居家型單晶片系統(與成大電機、成大資工、成大醫院合作)
    4. 晶片科技計畫;應用於免疫疾病檢測之單晶片系統(與成大電機、成大資工、義大醫院合作)
  4. 雙邊協議型國際合作研究計畫;
  1. 台灣與波蘭國際合作計畫;病因不明性肺纖維化生物指標智慧受體感測陣列之理論運算設計、製作及評估(與波蘭科學院、台師大物理系合作)
  2. 台灣與義大利國際合作計畫;三維製作可包覆細胞支架及智慧人工抗體感測器以重建體外免疫系統(與義大利臨床生理研究所合作)
  1. 歐盟奈米合作計畫;
    1. 發展胜肽拓印技術做為治療帕金森氏症的功能性評估及奈米藥物遞送(與匈牙利科學院、維也納工業大學、蘇黎世聯邦理工學院、成功大學、盧森堡大學、帝國理工、台灣大學合作)
  2. 邀請國際科技人士短期訪問;
    1. 英國帝國理工學院生物工程學系Danny O'Hare教授
    2. 美國哥倫比亞大學化學工程學系Alan C. West教授
    3. 日本神戶大學工程學院Tooru Ooya教授

(II) 近年來研究及發展成果(選列)

  1. 期刊論文(選列)

1. M.-H. Lee, J. L. Thomas, Z.-L. Su, W.-K. Yeh, A. S. Monzel, S. Bolognin, J. C. Schwamborn**, C.-H. Yang*** and H.-Y. Lin*,” Epitope Imprinting of Alpha-synuclein for Sensing in Parkinson's Brain Organoid Culture Medium,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, in press, 2021.

2. M.-H. Lee, J. L. Thomas, Z.-L. Su, Z.-X. Zhang, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-S. Huang**, C.-H. Yang*** and H.-Y. Lin*,” Doping of transition metal dichalcogenides in molecularly imprinted conductive polymers for the ultrasensitive determination of 17β-estradiol in eel serum,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 150, 111901, 2020.

3. M.-H. Lee, J. L. Thomas, W.-C. Liu, Z.-X. Zhang, B.-D. Liu, C.-H. Yang* and Hung-Yin Lin*,” A multichannel system integrating molecularly imprinted conductive polymers for ultrasensitive voltammetric determination of four steroid hormones in urine,” Microchimica Acta, 186:695, 2019.

4. M.-H. Lee, C.-C. Leu, C.-C. Lin, Y.-F. Tseng, H.-Y. Lin* and C.-N. Yang*,” Gold-decorated magnetic nanoparticles modified with hairpin-shaped DNA for fluorometric discrimination of single-base mismatch DNA,” Microchimica Acta, 186:80, 2019.

5. M.-H. Lee, J. L. Thomas, C.-L. Liao, S. Jurcevic, T. Crnogorac-Jurcevic and H.-Y. Lin*,” Epitope Recognition of Peptide-imprinted Polymers for Regenerating Protein 1 (REG1),” Separation and Purification Technology, 192, 213-219, 2018.

6. M.-H. Lee, J. L. Thomas, C.-L. Liao, S. Jurcevic, T. Crnogorac-Jurcevic and H.-Y. Lin*,” Polymers imprinted with three REG1B peptides for electrochemical determination of Regenerating Protein 1B, an urinary biomarker for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma,” Microchimica Acta, 184, 6, 1773-1780, 2017.

7. M.-H. Lee, J. L. Thomas, Y.-C. Chang, Y.-S. Tsai, B.-D. Liu and H.-Y. Lin*,” Electrochemical Sensing of Nuclear Matrix Protein 22 in Urine with Molecularly Imprinted Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) Coated Zinc Oxide Nanorod Arrays for Clinical Studies of Bladder Cancer Diagnosis,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 79, 789-795, 2016.

8. M.-H. Lee, D. O’Hare, H.-Z. Guo, C.-H. Yang* and H.-Y. Lin*,” Electrochemical Sensing of Urinary Progesterone with Molecularly Imprinted Poly(aniline-co-metanilic acid)s,” Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 4, 3782-3787, 2016.

9. M.-H. Lee, J. L. Thomas, J.-Z. Chen, J.-S. Jan and H.-Y. Lin*,” Activation of Tumor Suppressor p53 Gene Expression by Magnetic Thymine-imprinted Chitosan Nanoparticles,” Chemical Communications, 52, 2137-2140, 2016.

10. C.-Y. Huang*, D. O’Hare, I-J. Chao, H.-W. Wei, Y.-F. Liang, B.-D. Liu, M.-H. Lee and H.-Y. Lin*,” Integrated Potentiostat for Electrochemical Sensing of Urinary 3-Hydroxyanthranilic Acid with Molecularly Imprinted Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol),” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 67, 208-213, 2015.

11. M.-H. Lee, J. L. Thomas, W.-J. Chen, M.-H. Li, C.-P. Shih and H.-Y. Lin*,” Fabrication of Bacteria-imprinted Polymer Coated Electrodes for Microbial Fuel Cells,” ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 3 (6), pp 1190–1196, 2015.

12. M.-H. Lee, J. L. Thomas, Y.-L. Chen, C.-F. Lin, H.-H. Tsai, Y.-Z. Juang, B.-D. Liu and H.-Y. Lin*,” Optical Sensing of Urinary Melatonin with Molecularly Imprinted Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) Coated Zinc Oxide Nanorod Arrays,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 47, 56-61, 2013.

13. M.-H. Lee, J. L. Thomas, Y.-C. Chen, W.-T. Chin and H.-Y. Lin*, “The Complete Replacement of Antibodies by Protein-imprinted Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) in Sandwich Fluoroimmunoassays,” Microchimica Acta, 180 (15), 1393-1399, 2013.

14. W.-J. Chen, M.-H. Lee, J. L. Thomas, P.-H. Lu, M.-H. Li and H.-Y. Lin*, “Microcontact Imprinting of Algae on Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for Biofuel Cells,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 5, 11123-11128, 2013.

15. M.-H. Lee*, J. L. Thomas, H.-Y. Wang, C.-C. Chang, C.-C. Lin and H.-Y. Lin*, “Extraction of Resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum with Magnetic Orcinol-imprinted Poly(ethylene-co- vinyl alcohol) Composite Particles and Their In Vitro Suppression of Human Osteogenic Sarcoma (HOS) Cell Line,” Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 24644-24651, 2012.

16. M.-H. Lee, J. L. Thomas, Y.-C. Chen, H.-Y. Wang and H.-Y. Lin*,” Hydrolysis of Magnetic Amylase-imprinted Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) Composite Nanoparticles,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 4, 916-921, 2012.

17. M.-H. Lee, J. L. Thomas, H.-Y. Tseng, W.-C. Lin, B.-D. Liu and H.-Y. Lin*,” Sensing of Digestive Proteins in Saliva with a Molecularly Imprinted Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) Thin Film Coated Quartz Crystal Microbalance Sensor,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 3, 3064-3071, 2011.

18. M.-H. Lee, J. L. Thomas, M.-H. Ho, C. Yuan and H.-Y. Lin*,” Synthesis of Magnetic Molecularly Imprinted Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) Nanoparticles and Their Uses in the Extraction and Sensing of Target Molecules in Urine,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2, 1729-1736, 2010.

19. H.-Y. Lin*, M.-S. Ho and M.-H. Lee*,” Instant Formation of Molecularly Imprinted Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol)/Quantum Dot Composite Nanoparticles and Their Use in One-pot Urinalysis,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 25, 579-586, 2009.

21. C.-Y. Huang, T.-C. Tsai, M.-H. Lee, B.-D. Liu and H.-Y. Lin*,” Urinalysis with Molecular Imprinting Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) Potentiostat Sensors,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 24, 2611-2617, 2009.

22. M.-H. Lee, T.-C. Tsai, J. L. Thomas and Hung-Y. Lin*,“ Recognition of Creatinine by Poly(Ethylene-co-Vinyl Alcohol) Molecular Imprinting Membrane,” Desalination, 234, 126-133, 2008.

23. H.-Y. Lin, C.-Y. Hsu, J. L. Thomas, S.-E Wang, H.-C. Chen and T.-C. Chou*,” The Microcontact Imprinting of Proteins: The Effect of Cross-linking Monomers for Lysozyme, Ribonuclease A and Myoglobin,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 22, 534-543, 2006.

24. C.-Y. Hsu, H.-Y. Lin, B.-T. Wu and T.-C. Chou*,” Styrene-containing Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Enhance the Recognition of Ribonuclease A,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 22, 355-368, 2006.

  1. 專利申請

1. Method for Cell Transfection and Gene Regulation by using Cas9 peptide-imprinted chitosan compsotite nanopartciles, ROC Patent, 2020. (#109100177).

2. Use of Nanoparticles Targeting Immune Checkpoint Blockade Molecule and Having Photodynamic and Immunological Multiple Functions, and Method for Manufacturing the Nanoparticles Targeting Immune Checkpoint Blockade Molecule and Having Photodynamic and Immunological Multiple Functions, ROC Patent, 2019. (#108148176).

3. Cas9 peptide-imprinted chitosan composite nanopartciles and manufactuing method thereof, ROC Patent, 2019. (#108115919).

4. Method for Manufacturing Immune Checkpoint Blockade Particles and Use of the Immune Checkpoint Blockade Particles, ROC Patent, 2019. (#108115431).

5. Manufactureing Method of thiophene polymer imprinted electrode film and use therof,” ROC Patent, I668245, 2019. (#107113238).

6. The Preparation Methods of Molecularly Imprinted Materials and Magnetic Molecularly Imprinted Materials, ROC Patent, I643869, 2018. (#106143895)

7. The Preparation Methods of Moleculalry Imprinted Polymer Thin Films and Sensing Electrodes for The Applications of Sensing Systems, ROC Patent, I561821, 2016. (#105101952)

8. Antibacterial Biocompatible Acrylate Copolymers and Method of Making Thereof, ROC Patent, I592172, 2016. (#105135052)

9. Method for Manufacturing a Chlorophyll-Imprinted Electrode, ROC Patent, I563126, 2016. (#104118508)

10. Responsive Liposomes for Ultrasonic Drug Delivery, US Patent #20060002994, 2006.

  1. 學術會議演講

1. E-MRS 2019 Fall Meeting, Sep. 15-19 2019, Warsaw, Poland.

2. European Polymer Congress 2019 (EPF 2019), June 9-14 2019, Heraklion Crete, Greece.

3. Sixth International Symposium Frontiers in Polymer Science, May 5-8 2019, Budapest, Hungary.

4. 2018 Interfaces, August 10th, 2018, Tainan, Taiwan.

5. 12th International Conference on Materials Chemistry (MC12), July 20-23, 2015, University of York, UK.

6. 2014 Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research, October 4th, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.

7. International Symposium on Materials for Enabling Nanodevices (ISMEN 2014), September 3-5th, 2014, Tainan, Taiwan.

8. 1st International Conference on Urine Omics, URINOMICS 2013, September 9th-11th, 2013, Caparica, Portugal.

9. 7th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2013), 30th June- 5th July, 2013, Suntec, Singapore.

10. European Polymer Federation (EPF) 2013 Congress, 16-21 June, 2013, Pisa, Italy.

11. 2012 Interfaces, September 7, 2012, Tainan, Taiwan.

12. 2010 International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISOBME), December 10-11, 2010, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

13. 2010 International Symposium of Materials on Regenerative Medicine (2010 ISOMRM), November 3-5, 2010, Miaoli, Taiwan.

14. IEEE International NanoElectronics Conference, January 3-8, 2010, Hong Kong, China.

15. 2009 Annual Meeting Chemical Society, December 4-6, 2009, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

16. 2009 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineering Annual Meeting, November 27-28, 2009, Taichung, Taiwan. (

17. 2009 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineering Annual Meeting, November 27-28, 2009, Taichung, Taiwan.

18. 2009 IEEE Circuits and Systems International Conference on Testing and Diagnosis (ICTD 2009), April 28-29, 2009, Chengdu, China.

19. Eurosensors XXII, September 7-10, 2008, Dresden, Germany.

20. 35th Controlled Release Society Annual Meeting, July 12-16, 2008, New York City.